Friday, January 11, 2008

Wed. Night

This past Wed. night I spoke about the heart. I used the scripture of Saul and David. Where Saul was the king but he kept doing things against God's command. So God decided to make David the king of Israel. In 1 Samuel 16:5, it basically says, man looks at the outward appearance, whereas God looks at the heart.
I started talking about why do we care so much at how we are looked at by our friends and why do we care so much what they think about us. Let's start worrying about how God sees us and what He wants for us.
So, how does God want our heart to look. I told them that he wants us to be "fat." Faithful-Available-Teachable. I also got to throw in some good stories on that.
God wants us to be faithful, which means lasting and having confidence in something. We have to continue to follow God through the good times and the bad. We also have to act the same whether we're at church, home, school, or hanging out with our friends.
Being available means being willing to be used by God whenever he needs us. I used the scripture from Isaiah 6, about Isaiah telling God, "Here am I, send me."
Being teachable means that we are always going to continue to learn about God, and try to get closer to God. We're going to learn more about his purposes, his character, his ways, so that we can be more and more like him.
Overall, I think it was a pretty good message and had a good response from the kids. Several came up and said they liked it. The worship was great, the dodgeball was great, so overall I think it was an above average Wed. night.

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