Monday, April 28, 2008

Sunday Morning Impact

Game: Great
Music: Good
Lesson Opener: Good
Small Group: Good

It was an average Sunday for us this week. Our attendance was above average, even though we had several kids who are regularly there who didn't come. Our game was an old one. In fact, I played it when I was in high school. We sent several kids out of the room. We had a table set up, and we put 5 different objects on the table and then covered them with towels. One was a football, a stuffed lemur, some fart putty, etc... The kids came in from another room one at a time and had to run and pull the towel off and call out whatever was under the towel. Then they went to the next one, and so forth until they named all the objects. Who ever did it the fastest was the winner. However, one of the objects was one of our youth workers, Charles. And when the pulled the towel off his head he screamed at them. One kid got scared so bad he fell down. Another girl just screamed and ran in a circle. I don't know, but there's something super funny to me when somebody gets startled and scared like that.

Gideon led worship and did a good job. Our lesson was the final part on heaven. It was about what we are going to do when we get there. I asked that question to my small group. The weirdest answer was that he was going to watch Pancho Villa talk to an alien about how salsa is better than ketchup. Only could a 6th grade boy come up with something like that. Most of them talked about walking on water. The point of the lesson was that we are going to worship when we are there. No matter what we do, it's going to be worshiping God. But, I do enjoy the bizarre things that kids think about.

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