Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Birthday Present

My birthday was last Wed. and I told Suzy all that I wanted was a babysitter so that we could go and do something, and actually eat a relaxing meal at a restaurant. So, she got our friends, Janie and Adrian, to come and watch Parker. They got their pretty early, and we left. We went to tube the river up near Spring Branch. I had done it a couple of times last summer, and thought it was fun. Plus it would be relaxing and something we could do without having to see a movie or wait in long lines at Fiesta Texas.

We got there, and hardly anyone was on the river. It was great. But about 2 minutes after we got in, 3 guys got in behind us. These three guys were the stereotypical dumb rednecks. When I picture rednecks, these are the guys that came to mind, and now I got to see them in real-life. It was about 10 in the morning and they were already drunk when they got into the river. They had a couple of flasks and a couple of cases of beer. It was about 100 degrees already, and they were just getting trashed.

We couldn't help but overhear their conversations, because they were yelling at the top of their lungs. One guy, Bobby, was the worst. He was the drunkest, and the dumbest. At one point it came out that it took him 6 years to finish high school. He was 20 when he graduated high school. Once, he dropped his beer into the river, and then went in after it. He wasn't a good swimmer, but he got his beer. The problem was that he couldn't get back to his raft. He was struggling and struggling. I was watching this for a while, because he was about 200 yards ahead of me. Then I started thinking, this kid is going to drown. His friends didn't care; they were throwing rocks at his head. I paddled over and kicked the raft to him. The first thing he said was, "Got my beer." A little after that, he mentioned that he was in trouble with the law and that he had a baby on the way. Suzy and I joked, that I bet the mother of his baby probably isn't a college graduate and that was going to be one stupid, ugly baby. I know that's a mean thing, but this guy looked like the bad guy from "The Green Mile."

The funniest thing of these dumb rednecks was when two of them were way down river from Suzy and me, and Bobby was way behind us. They were yelling at him to catch up, and he honestly thought he was in front and they were way behind him. He was so drunk. We ended up being by these guys the entire trip, and the bus ride back to the tube rental place. It was a fun day.
The rest of the day was a lot less entertaining. We went shopping for some clothes for a wedding I'm going to this weekend. We had dinner at Dave and Busters with some friends and played some games. It was a good day and a good birthday present. She also got my Rock Band for XBox too.

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