Monday, March 10, 2008

Sunday Morning Impact

I would say that this was a below average Sunday on a couple of parts, but above average on some parts. It was below average on the 2 parts I was most in control of, the game and the opener. I got our game off a website, and it sounded like fun. Several kids would line up and take an oreo. They would then untwist the oreo and lick the creamy side, and then stick it to their foreheads. Then they would have to make faces and contort their faces to make it move down into their mouths. The first one to eat it would win. The problem was that it didn't work. They didn't slide, and when they did, they slid onto the floor. That's what I get for not trying it out first. "But I got it off the internet so it must work." LIES!
Our lesson was about heaven, and it was hard for me to think of an opener that wouldn't take away from what the small group teachers would be talking about in a few minutes. I couldn't come up with a good story, so I feel it was kinda lame. I worked on it, but nothing I could think of was any good.
But praise and worship was great. Nathan is getting better every time he has the chance to lead. We also had 4 jr. high kids on stage this week. Bobby is an amazing guitarist. When you see him, you know he's having a good time. Andrew plays keyboard, and he's so into the music and the worship, that he's fun to watch. Santos is the typical bass player, he's super good, but stoic. And Michaela, every time she sings gives it everything and you can see her worship. It's awesome to see.
Our small group time was great too. The kids had a good discussion about heaven. We read out of Revelation 21, and it gave us a little glimpse into what heaven will be like.
I wish I hadn't dropped the ball, but everybody picked up my slack.
Here's some pictures from the games the last couple of weeks.

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