Monday, March 31, 2008

Sunday Morning Impact

I'm going to try to do this in a different way. Some things are better than others, so to be more accurate about how I feel a Sunday or Wed. goes, I'm going to borrow from another junior high pastor's blog on how he rates his Sunday mornings.

Game: Good
Music: Good
Message: Good but long

Our game was a trick game. I asked for 3 volunteers, and they all went out into the hallway. I told all the other kids that the game was to see who could eat the most powdered donuts without licking their lips. If they saw somebody lick their lips, then they had to yell and call that person out. The website I got the game off of said that 8 is the most they ever had.
So the kids came back in and started eating the donuts without knowing that they couldn't lick their lips. Kenny ate 2 before he licked his lips. Austin ate 9, and Christian ate 10, but we called him the winner because he never licked his lips. It's excruciating watching people eat donuts. It takes so long.

The music was led by Gideon, and he always does a great job. I gave it a "good" because I was just in a weird mood yesterday and was worried that Bryon was speaking and he wasn't there yet. I started going through my head to see if I could get something together to stall for a little while. Bryon showed up during the last song, and I got to concentrate more on worship.

Bryon spoke about love; loving God and loving your neighbor. He talked about we all have the capacity for loving people, even the people who we don't get along with because God is love, and if God is in us, then we have love in us. He spoke for about 55 minutes, but this is a small gist of what he said. I thought it was good and he used a lot of audience participation, so the kids seemed to stay with him. He ended with reading some letters that a bunch of the kids sent to him when he was in Afghanistan. He talked about how loved he felt by reading the short little notes that the kids wrote. I think that was the best part, seeing the kids get excited when he read their letter, because they knew how important it was to Bryon, and that they had made him feel loved.

Overall, it was a good Sunday morning.

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