Tuesday, April 22, 2008

13 Reasons I hate Driving in San Antonio

I just got back from lunch, and I had to drive all the way to the East side. I got by some of the worst drivers ever. I read an article a few months ago that said San Antonio had the worst drivers in the city...and I believe it. This is why I decided to do this post...while my road rage is still fresh.

1. The highway system is stupid. A lot of the interstates and major highways don't connect. Instead you have to exit and stay on access roads to get from one highway to the other. Somebody wasn't thinking or they were just too lazy to do anything about it.

2. Access Roads. Anytime you get off a highway there is an access road. They only go one way. So if you're not exactly sure where you are going, you miss what you are looking for. Then you have to drive 2 miles, do a turn-a-round, and come back to do it again. I think oil companies own most of San Antonio, because people are burning thousands of gallons of gas doing turn-a-rounds for missing their exit.

3. People don't use their blinker. I've never experienced anything like it. Nobody in San Antonio ever uses a blinker. I guess they assume people will just make space for them.

4. Drivers don't know how to enter a highway. When you are entering a highway, they give you an entrance ramp to get up to speed. Usually, the highway speed limit is 65 or 70 mph. People go 40 mph on the entrance ramp and then try to jump over onto the highway. This makes me want to shove something into their muffler if you know what I mean (actually, I don't even know what I mean).

5. Drivers who don't know how to exit a highway. The same as above, but opposite. People begin slowing down a half a mile before the exit comes up...with no blinker. Pretty soon the whole lane is doing 50 because some moron isn't sure how to slow down on the exit ramp.

6. People cut other drivers off. I know this happens everywhere, but I've never seen it so bad as in San Antonio. People don't even look, they just come over. If there is half a car length space in another lane, they come over. No blinker, no look, they just steer into your lane like an idiot. Then flip you the finger for being on their bumper. I'll give you a finger...right in your eye socket.

7. Drivers who wait till the last second to jump in front of you at a turn only lane. This happens all the time. There will be a long line of cars waiting to turn right onto another access road. Some moron, usually in a BMW, comes up and jumps right in front of somebody at the last minute. To me this should be punished by death.

8. Drivers who get in the fast lane and drive slower than the other lane. If you're getting passed by the inside lane, then move over. I think you should be going 5 mph over the limit in the fast lane. If you want to go slower, stay on the access road. (My road rage is increasing as I write this blog).

9. Drivers who don't know the difference between a Yield sign and a Merge sign. Because of the one way access roads all over this freakin' city, there are a million yield sign. I think I'm the only person in this city who abides by them. I'll be coming off the highway at 70 mph, and somebody going 32 misses the yield sign and jumps in front of me. I slam on my brakes and they look at me as if I just ate a baby. I want to say, "You're the one who ate the baby, dill weed!"

10. Drivers who see that you are trying to pull out from a parking lot, and then they change lanes into the inside lane right in front of you so you can't pull out. This is infuriating. They see me trying to pull out, and then they change lanes right in front of me, instead of waiting 2 and a half seconds until they have passed me, which would give me ample amounts of time to get out.

11. Trucks. Trucks are the reason that traffic gets backed up. They do all of the bad things that everybody else does, but they do it slowly. They will block up all the lanes and never pass each other. I think it should be illegal to drive a truck on the highway in the city.

12. Every time it rains, it's as if it's the first time anybody has ever seen water come from the sky. "Oh my, water from the sky. What should we do. Let's drive 40 mph under the speed limit. Oh, these things on my windshield are to pull the rain away. I always wondered what that stick was for by my steering wheel." It really doesn't rain here that often, but come on, it's never raining hard, you can still drive normal.

13. Rednecks. Let's just blame rednecks for all the problems of our world...especially driving.


cslewis3147 said...

i definitely blame rednecks...and lack of turning on one's blinker, everytime that happens I yell, "You run out of blinker fluid?!" Lintlickers.....

Anonymous said...

omg .. this made me laugh out loud. Its raining outside and i was bored stiff and looking back at ur past blogs has just brightened my DAY! :-D i miss u john!!!