Monday, April 7, 2008


Last Saturday we took the junior high boys to go play some paintball. We all had a great time. We took 12 students and 4 adults. Personally, I killed more times than I was killed. Does that make sense. I think I killed about 16 or 17, and I only got killed 5 or 6 times. But when I did, they were doozies.
One game, we decided to do kids verse adults. We took one kid, so the ratio was 5 against 11. I decided that we should all stay together and cover each other, since the kids hadn't been advancing. Mostly, they were staying in their base or pretty close to it. So, as soon as the ref said go, we ran down one side of the course. We got to the base, and I could see about 5 or 6 kids in there, so we started shooting at them. Unfortunately, some of the kids went running the other direction and got behind us without us knowing it. They started picking us off from the back. None of us knew that our cover had been killed. I was bent over shooting at the base, and Justin Chavez had got up on us and shot me 4 times in the butt before I could even turn around. I still got the welts and bruises from that one.
Another game, my team had killed everybody on their team except for one. There were 6 of us and one on their team, Chase. I hollered to Chase that he should just give up. He was in a spot that we couldn't get easily. He would sit up and take a few random shots, and I would shoot back at him, but he would jump up and shoot and then go back down so fast that it was hard to get a good shot off on him. One time he sat up and shot off some shots and got super lucky by getting me right between the eyes. Chase would say that was skill, I say luck.
Then Jesse, who was on my team, got shot by one of our own players, so he was out. Then another guy ran out of paint. And then Chase killed off the last 3 and won the game. It was actually pretty amazing...I just wish he had been on my team.
Overall, it was an awesome day. A few welts, but nothing serious. I think this is something that we are going to try to do pretty often

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