Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Cool Youth Videos in the News

I saw these 2 news article videos on yahoo yesterday that have to do with youth doing some amazing stuff. The first one is a contest for students to make a movie about things they care about. Some of the videos have to do with rights for disabled, people living with Aids, to helping the poor. It's cool to see that young people can make a difference, and can use their talents, such as making movies, to make that impact.

Contest Encourages Youth to Film their issues

The second video is a weekly segment called "Youth who Rock." It has to do with a young person who is doing big things. This one is about an 18 year old senior who has started a business that has 300 employees already. It's a website that has college reporters all across the country who report on things that young people are interested about. Right now their big thing is the election, because it can have a lot of impact on the young people in their future. It's amazing the kind of things that kids can do when they are allowed to.

Youth who Rock

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