Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Winter Retreat

This past weekend, we had our Winter Retreat at Mo Ranch. Friday morning, we loaded up at the church and took off for Hunt, Texas for a weekend to be focused on living like Jesus. But, it should have been called Winter Retreat on the Equator because it was super hot. I think it got into the 80's every day. The Senior High Leadership Kids planned everything and they basically did everything.
Nathan led worship, and I think that's the best I've ever seen him. He did a great job with Daniel and Andrew backing him up. He also spoke the first night about obeying Jesus. Daniel spoke the next morning about praying like Jesus before our quiet time. Molly then spoke about loving like Jesus. Andrew spoke Saturday night about serving like Jesus. I spoke before the next quiet time on Sunday morning about withdrawing like Jesus, to get away from distractions and to get our focus back onto God. And then Jerry finished things up with tying everything together of living more and more like Jesus. I feel like everybody did a great job.
We also played a lot of games and had some small group time. The junior high small group leaders loved their groups and think they got a lot out of it. I was near Tammy's group most of the time and it seemed like all of her girls enjoyed the small group teaching and activities.
We played a lot of football during the free time. I'm still a little sore from that. I did grab a couple of interceptions. We also got to go canoeing and several of the kids jumped in the freezing cold water. At night we played Silent Football, which is one of my favorite games of all time. It doesn't involve a football or anything. It's mainly a game of systems and following those systems, but if you mess up, then you get pegged with a ping pong ball. You'd be surprised at the kind of welts a ping pong ball can do to someone. I still have a couple of circles on my belly today. But tons of people came in to watch on Saturday night and hang out. It's fun to play, and it's fun to watch.
Altogether, I think the weekend was a lot of fun, and it seemed like a lot of kids made commitments to follow Jesus in a different, stronger way. I can't wait to see the long-term effects of this retreat. I'm adding a ton of pictures from the weekend here.

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