Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Moses: High on Drugs

I read an article on yahoo yesterday talking about a researcher who says that Moses was high on a psychadelic drug when he saw the burning bush and when he received the 10 commandments. The author of the research has said that he has taken some of these same mind-altering drugs himself.
It seems that everybody is trying to prove the Bible is wrong and make conclusions on how things happened, by saying that they didn't happen with God supernaturally. The study said that the ancient Hebrews used mind-altering drugs as a part of their religious ceremonies. The Bible is so clear and detailed about their practices, down to the tiniest detail about how to perform a sacrifice. I'm sure somewhere, they would have mentioned taking some kind of bark or root that would help them have a religious experience.

Please don't believe everything you read that says it's from a scholar, even a Biblical scholar. Look it up for yourself and back it up with the Bible.

The article is here if you want to read it.

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